
How To Know If He's Moving On, According To Astrology

It isn't always obvious when a relationship is over, especially when both parties tend to fight a lot or don't communicate properly. Even if a couple has been together for years, there is still a point that, once reached, a person just gives up and calls it quits.

What's worse is by the time the relationship is social media-officially over, both parties tend to mourn the loss of the closeness for a little while. During that time, it might seem like things will be tough, but suddenly one person starts to move on, signaling the complete loss of hope the other may harbor of a possible make-up. It might hurt, but it's better to know if someone is moving on than cling to hopes of a reconciliation that will never happen.

For those who just got out of a relationship and are wondering if he's going to move on, this list is for them. He might be ready to move on but he might be waiting in hopes of making up with his past love.

Other than asking him straight out how he feels and what he wants, the only other real way to know if he's moving on is to turn to the stars. Here's how to tell if he's moving on, according to his star sign.

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20 Air Signs Aren't Always Honest


It isn't that Air signs are complete meanies—sometimes they don't even know what's happening until they're living it. Whether it's because they're holding on to hope, trying to keep their mind off the breakup, or are struggling with other issues in their lives, for most Air signs, they wind up stumbling into an answer to their issues almost entirely by mistake or coincidence.

If he's starting to move on, odds are it's just the natural way of things.

He isn't doing it on purpose and he probably doesn't want to hurt his partner at all. As confusing as it all may be, here are some undeniable signs an Air sign guy is starting to move on:

19 Gemini Guys Tend To Squirm


If a Gemini guy has recently ended a relationship, it makes sense for his partner to hold onto hope that things might work out, but if he's starting to squirm in her presence, it could be a sign the relationship is completely over. He's become aware of the fact that his heart doesn't belong to her anymore and he might even be on the hunt for the next person he can date. If he's caught squirming in his ex's presence, it's almost a sure sign that he's uncomfortable due to the knowledge that things are never going to be the same.

18 Libra Men Will Make Their Decision Clear


Once a Libra understands that he's started to move on, he isn't going to waste his time or his ex-partner's time.

He'll go right up to his ex and initiate a casual conversation, but before they get any strange ideas or start to build hope of a reconciliation, he blurts out the truth.

It may not be the most comfortable conversation, but he respects himself and his ex too much to leave things as they are. He'll want to get the hard part out of the way so when it's obvious he's moved on, there can be no room for misunderstandings.

17 Aquarius Will Disappear Entirely


When an Aquarius guy starts to recognize that he's starting to move on, he's a little less interested in admitting it to his ex. In his eyes, when the relationship ended, so did any chances of them getting back together. His ex doesn't need to know his business anymore and he is under no obligation to share any updates. The reason he sort of disappears is he isn't willing to face his ex. It isn't a cowardly act, he just doesn't want any drama and a clean break might sound better than parading with his new partner in front of his ex.

16 BONUS Aquarius: He'll Be More Temperamental Than Usual


An Aquarius can be a little moody sometimes. It's not anything to be embarrassed by, he's just got a lot going on upstairs and his reactions can be less than ideal. The thing is, when it comes to relationships, he's always low-key hoping break-ups aren't permanent.

Once he recognizes things aren't going to work out in the long run, he gets upset, which inevitably manifests itself in his attitude.

If he's acting more moody than usual, guaranteed he's starting to pull away and move on emotionally, even if he wasn't prepared for it yet and wasn't looking for that kind of shift.

15 Fire Signs: His Mood Will Say It All


Fire signs are renowned for their passionate natures. It should come as no surprise that some of them are prone to moving from one relationship to the next just as quickly as one might turn the pages of a book. He's not usually interested in getting back together with an ex unless there's some kind of payoff in the end, and even then he is likely to leave as soon as he gets what he wants. Not all Fire signs will burn their ex-partners this way (pun definitely intended), but some are able to move on effortlessly and aren't afraid to show it.

14 Sagittarius Guys Tell You They're Ready


A Sagittarius tends to remain friends with his ex-partners. He's usually able to maintain the friendship because deep down his ex is hoping that one day things might work out again so they're more willing to stick around. Unfortunately, this means he's got to be a little harsher with his exes after a break-up.

He doesn't want to cause any confusion, so as soon as things are over, he'll tell his ex exactly how he feels.

Once he's ready to move on, he'll bring it up in a casual conversation and hope things don't get out of control. Don't be mad at him, what he's doing is respectful in his eyes and he's hoping to salvage a friendship.

13 Aries Men Will Surprise You


Aries guys tend to move on right away. As soon as they realize a relationship is deteriorating, they start to purposely distance themselves emotionally. By mentally preparing themselves beforehand, Aries men can disconnect from one romantic endeavor and are ready to move on immediately. The speed in which he finds a new partner often leaves his previous flings breathless, but it isn't something he can necessarily control. In many ways, it's a defense mechanism. He lets go as soon as things start falling apart with the intention of preserving himself from the events transpiring around him. Don't be angry with an Aries man, but do try to talk things through. This is an effective tool to help him understand there may still be hope for a relationship.

12 Leo Guys Will Gauge Your Reactions


Once a Leo is separated from (or breaks up with) his partner, he starts to slowly detach. He isn't in a rush to move on because he knows there still might be a chance to mend things, but at the same time, he's been through a little too much to hold on to too much hope.

Once he's ready, in his heart, to move away from all hope of salvaging the ruins of a relationship, he'll start to casually drop hints to gauge his ex's reactions.

He wants to know if he can outright admit things are irrevocably over or if he should practice a little patience. If it seems like he's testing you, he probably is.

11 BONUS Leo: He'll Stop Pouting


Some Leos have trouble letting go. They'll be upset after a breakup, which isn't unusual in itself as we all do it, but he'll take things a little further. Sometimes Leos are truly shook, so they take a little extra time to recover from the initial heartbreak, anger, resentment, or general pain that came with the breakup. As he is a passionate person, he won't be able to conceal his pain and is susceptible to moping around. It isn't until he's ready to move on when he'll finally stop dragging his feet and will lift his head. Once he stops pouting, he's also stopped hoping for reconciliation.

10 Water Signs Will Hide Their Decision


Water signs aren't known for their passionate nature, nor are they often compared to their carefree cousins the Air Signs. No, some water signs are prone to hiding or even disappearing from social events for a time. Water signs can sometimes be a little more emotional than other signs.

They don't always know how to deal with things, so when they start to sense a change in perspective, their entire world is affected.

This is why a Water sign will sometimes stop talking to people or may surprise everyone by doing the exact opposite. One can never really tell with all certainty when it comes to Water signs, but the following indications can help determine whether they're starting to move on or not:

9 Cancers Become More Social


Cancer signs are one of the members of the astro world who tend to surprise people. Even if he wasn't very social before, he's suddenly all dressed up and ready to mingle! He's starting to move on and the best way to complete the cycle is to meet new people. What's interesting is even the most reserved Cancer guys can sometimes become extremely social once they're ready to move on. Don't let his sudden burst of interaction fool you into believing he's just trying to cope—he's serious about leaving old relationships in the past and he's sincerely ready to move forward.

8 Pisces Guys Sometimes Turn To Gaming


In an effort to escape their woes, some of the more gamer-inclined Pisces guys are more likely to fully immerse themselves in the world of gaming. They know they're starting to move on from their ex and they don't like it.

They want to hold onto the great memories, even if all the efforts ultimately resulted in a breakup.

The strange thing is, even though he knows he's recovering from the heartache, he's just not ready to start moving on and looking for a new love. He wants to just stew in his current emotions and will reemerge from the games once his heart is healed.

7 Scorpio Men Will Stop Talking To Their Ex-Partners Entirely


Scorpio men don't play games, they're actually quite cutthroat. Some mean to cause harm while others are actually just trying to adjust and their actions end up hurting their ex more than intended. When a Scorpio guy starts to move on from his ex, he drops her entirely. He starts to recognize there is no hope of getting back together, so instead of continuing with a friendship with no hope of a romantic future, he decides to disappear from his ex's life entirely. In his eyes, there's no point in pretending they can be friends, so he'd rather drop all pretenses.

6 BONUS Scorpio: He'll Go Out Of His Way To Avoid Confrontation


The thing about Scorpios is they don't really like confrontations. The minute he recognizes a relationship is over, he might try to separate himself from his ex entirely, but if that plan flops then he is prepared to do everything in his power to avoid drama and confrontation.

This, of course, includes any issues that might arise between himself and his ex or his ex's friends—sometimes this also means he is willing to avoid issues that may arise, even within his own circle of friends.

Whether he has to avoid certain people or just certain topics in conversation, a Scorpio is willing to do it to avoid confrontation.

5 Earth Signs Will Be Honest


True to their element, Earth signs are more likely to be open and honest about where they are emotionally than other signs. They are already prone to being honest with themselves, so the moment they realize what's happening to them on an emotional level, Earth signs are ready to move on it. The problem is some of the more sensitive signs are prone to guilting themselves over everything from the initial breakup to the moment he's ready to move on. Others will be a little more vengeful about things and will purposely hurt his ex, and still others are simply happy for being able to move on.

4 Virgos Usually Shoulder The Blame


Virgos have long been seen as the sensitive sign that has a few OCD-related issues. Long have people been overlooking the humble Virgo, yet when it comes to guys who are ready to move on, things couldn't be less simple.

He's blaming himself for everything from the little issues that arose during the relationship to the moment things fell apart.

He may be moving on but even in that he is feeling the loss of everything he once had with his ex. Things are truly tough for the Virgo man who is getting more and more ready to move on. The one benefit is he will take into consideration past mistakes and will use that knowledge to be a better boyfriend in the future.

3 Taurus Guys Sometimes Spread Rumors


When a Taurus is ready to move on from a relationship, he's going all in. He's not going to foster feelings or any hopes of reconciliation—he's going to pretend the world is his oyster and he's ready to dive head-first back into the dating world. The best way to convey the confidence he's now desperate to feel is to spread a few small rumors, not about his ex but about himself. He might start to imply he's been approached by other girls who are interested in him now that he's available, or he may stretch the truth when it comes to how he feels about the breakup itself. Regardless, not everything that comes out of a Taurus' mouth is to be trusted after a breakup.

2 Capricorn Men Will Suddenly Have More Female Friends


Unlike his brother the Taurus, a Capricorn guy will legitimately have an increase of interested women at his side.

They've all been waiting for him to be available again and now that his heart has healed enough to move on, he's starting to take an interest in a few of them.

He may not be in love with anyone yet, but he's certainly ready to look. The moment a Capricorn man starts to hang out with more female friends is the moment his ex can kiss their chances goodbye. He's ready to move on and he's not going to pretend he isn't.

1 BONUS Capricorn: He'll Seem Happy - Because He Is


Some Capricorn men are easy to read. Up until the point they're ready to move on, he's going to be a little down in the dumps. He doesn't take an interest in things he used to love and, for a moment, he's a bit depressed. He just isn't himself anymore and he's struggling just to get out of bed in the morning. Times are tough for the Capricorn guy because he's got a lot to feel sad about. He'll legitimately mourn the loss of the relationship and it isn't until he is ready to move on that he can wake up feeling better. If a Capricorn man starts to walk with a little more pep in his step, it's because he's ready to move on and he's ready to feel more like himself.

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