
Here's What A Toxic Relationship Looks Like For Every Astro Sign (His & Hers)

Relationships are complicated even when they're healthy. Maintaining a level of communication that keeps both people emotionally and mentally healthy is honestly much harder than it seems, especially if either partner has other baggage they're dealing with while they're in a healthy relationship.

However, those things are even harder to do if the relationship is off balance or toxic in some way. Maintaining the relationship, in that case, is either impossible or only possible if one partner loses some semblance of themselves to do it, and that's never a good thing. The worst thing about a toxic or unhealthy relationship, though, is that the people in them often don't realize it until they're already hurting from it, or even worse, long after it's over.

Toxic relationships look different on different people. Some people are pushed into behaviors they'd never take part in if they weren't in a toxic relationship, while others are pushed into harmful trains of thought that will break down their self-esteem and emotional state.

Regardless, toxic relationships wreak havoc on people's hearts and minds and it's important to know how they might respond when they're in one. Here's how each person will react to a toxic relationship based on their gender and astro sign. Make sure to check out the moon sign for an added perspective!

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24 Aries Man: He Cracks Under Pressure Of Being The 'Man'

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The main thing with the Aries man is that he wants to be the dependable man everyone can count on. This is great, but also a slippery slope.

The Aries man might fall into a toxic relationship if he's put into a situation where he's going to overextend himself and become "the man" in every situation, even the ones he isn't prepared for.

In a situation like that, he's going to end up wearing himself thin because he'll be trying to do everything for everyone, which is bad news for a relationship built on mutual trust and respect.

23 Aries Woman: She Stops Being Direct And Starts Playing Games

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An Aries woman is one thing first and foremost: direct. What you see is what you get with these straightforward ladies: they don't see the point in being anything other than what they are. That being said, the Aries woman often engages in talking around the issue when she's in a toxic relationship. The relationship becomes toxic for her when she feels like she can't be herself, so she starts playing mind games so the person she's with to sort of hide who she really is. It's a bad habit to start for her and the beginning of the end of any of her relationships unless that issue is addressed.

22 Taurus Man: He Becomes A Wall And Refuses To Communicate

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A Taurus man finds it a little difficult to open up emotionally unless it's with the right person, which is why it's so great when he finally does. The toxicity for a Taurus man comes when that ability to open up disappears.

In a toxic relationship, the Taurus man will end up becoming a fortress to protect himself because he'd rather do that than leave himself emotionally vulnerable.

You'd think that would be a sign to leave for the Taurus man, but to be honest, he's just as stubborn as he is guarded and will dig his heels in until he can no longer justify staying, making the whole situation worse.

21 Taurus Woman: She Keeps Score And Measures It Up To What She Does

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The Taurus woman isn't as much of a fortress as her male counterpart, but she's just as practical and down-to-earth, which is great for any relationship. She's good at sizing up most situations and coming up with solutions to problems that could stump other women. A toxic situation for the Taurus woman would be any situation where she finds herself keeping score and comparing her current significant other to the ones who came before, or worse, measuring what they do to what she does and always finding the comparison to be off balance. That breeds resentment for her because she works hard for the people she cares about and expects that in return.

20 Gemini Man: He Boils Himself Down To Specific Personality Traits

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We are all a much greater whole than the sum of our parts would suggest, but there are times where we forget that.

In a toxic relationship, the otherwise confident and charming Gemini man will double down on personality traits that allow him to come off like a shallower person.

He does this because he wants to protect himself from the toxicity of the relationship he's in. The Gemini man is a free spirit who values being able to be himself around the people he loves, but when he can't, he breaks down. Luckily for him, the Gemini man can't function well like this so he'll bail before much damage is done.

19 Gemini Woman: She Makes Her Partner Feel Like A Backup Plan, Not A Priority

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The Gemini woman is a social butterfly who probably has a lot of people in her life that she cares about. That's all well and good, but the problems for her tend to come when the Gemini woman tries to prioritize everyone. This breeds toxicity in a relationship because while the Gemini woman is trying to do everything, she's more than likely neglecting the people in her life who really matter. In doing this, she makes her partner feel less like a partner and more like just a diversion. This is more than enough to breed the kind of resentment that makes relationships toxic.

18 Cancer Man: He's Constantly Making Sacrifices Nobody Asked Him To Make

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The Cancer man is the guy who will take off his jacket and throw it over a puddle just so you don't get your shoes wet. He's almost comically selfless, which is a gift most of the time, but things can get toxic when the Cancer man starts overstepping.

After a certain point, the Cancer man's selfless nature becomes a detriment because he's so focused on doing the sacrificing that he forgets why he's doing it, and at that point, nobody's asked him to do that.

This leads to the Cancer man resenting people for taking him for granted and his partner to resent him for going out of his way to do things they didn't want him to do.

17 Cancer Woman: She Tries To Spend All Her Time With Her Partner And Ignores Everyone Else

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The Cancer woman is a kind, warm, caring kind of person, which is amazing if you're dating her because she'll never make you feel neglected if you're her partner. The problem lies in the simple fact that the Cancer woman might end up making her partner her first priority to the point where she neglects everyone else. Some partners might be okay with that, but this kind of behavior can derail her other relationships fast because they're feeling like she doesn't care about them. In order to avoid the kind of toxicity that will alienate her from the people she cares about, she needs to check this behavior.

16 Leo Man: He Needs The Final Say In Everything

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If there were such a thing as the Alpha man, the Leo man would probably be that guy. This isn't the best thing for every relationship, but the people who end up falling for the Leo man will eat this attitude up because they find it charming.

The problems and toxicity can start to seep in, however, if the Leo man refuses to step back and let their partner make some decisions.

In unhealthy relationships, the Leo man will retain as much control as he can if it means that he can protect himself from that toxicity. He might end up perpetuating that toxicity with this same behavior, so it's worth it for him to examine why he needs that control.

15 Leo Woman: She's Always Right And Refuses To Take Responsibility

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The Leo woman commands and demands attention, and for the right partner, her ability to charm just about anyone makes her perfect. However, that aura of perfection could start to go sour under the wrong circumstances. In a toxic relationship, the Leo woman is likely to dig in her heels and remain stubborn in the face of all opposition, even if she's actually wrong. This is her way of maintaining control over a toxic situation where she might not have a lot of power, and it's also probably how she'd create a toxic situation herself. The Leo woman just needs to strike the balance between confident and arrogant.

14 Virgo Man: He Likes His Partner For Their Potential And Not For Them

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The Virgo man is all about getting the work done and supporting the people he cares about behind the scenes rather than going out of his way to soak up the spotlight. This is great because he can balance out a relationship with someone with a more dramatic personality.

The problems come when the Virgo man chooses his partner not because of what he likes about them, but because of what he thinks they can become in the future.

He forgets that people aren't projects, and this ends up creating an incredibly toxic situation for all involved because no one can be happy living like that.

13 Virgo Woman: She's Her Partner's Second Mom

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The Virgo woman is unique because she's honestly one of the most mature people in the astro world, regardless of gender. This is because she's always focused on what's really important, even if she's not that great at following through with actions. A toxic situation for a Virgo woman can happen when she has to pinch-hit and stand in for her partner in a way that a partner shouldn't have to do, essentially becoming the mom friend in her partnership of equals. That's bad for a relationship because she's basically being asked to do what her partner's mom should have done long before her partner made it to her.

12 Libra Man: He Wants To Fix People And Forgets That Nobody's Perfect

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The Libra man is constantly striving towards harmony and perfection, which can make him a great partner because he wants to make sure there isn't any toxicity or unhealthiness in his relationships.

However, this impulse could end up creating a toxic situation because the Libra man is trying to achieve perfection and he doesn't realize that perfection doesn't exist in people.

We can see people as perfect, sure, but once we try and make people perfect, that creates an unhealthy dynamic. The Libra man needs to realize that perfection is a journey, not a destination.

11 Libra Woman: She Expects Freedom And Forgets That Relationships Are About Trust

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The Libra woman is a free spirit who knows he has a lot to offer in a relationship, and more importantly, her partners know that too. The issue here is that the Libra woman doesn't really offer that same freedom to her partners and that creates an unhealthy, even toxic, dynamic. She kind of expects her partners to show the same loyalty she's not often willing to outwardly show. This isn't to say the Libra woman isn't loyal, though. She's just a person who expects trust to be freely given by everyone because she's so willing to trust.

10 Scorpio Man: He's So Jealous That His Partner Walks On Eggshells Around Him

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The Scorpio man can get kind of a bad reputation for being toxic on his own merits, but that couldn't be further from the truth. Scorpio men can be some of the most loyal partners around.

However, the problems in a relationship with a Scorpio man can turn catastrophic when the Scorpio man doesn't know how to deal with his jealousy.

If he doesn't put a lid on the green-eyed monster, the relationship could very well disintegrate because not only did the Scorpio man let it get the best of him, but his partner can't be open with him because they're afraid to incite his anger.

9 Scorpio Woman: She Gets Mad When Her Partner Hides Their Feelings, But Also When They Speak Up

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The Scorpio woman is very in tune with her emotions and unlike some Scorpio men, Scorpio women are way more likely to be self-aware and correct their toxic behaviors without being told to do so by an outside party because they're more willing to face those emotions without being overpowered by them. That being said, Scorpio women can end up in toxic relationships when they try and push their own self-awareness on other people. She could be doing this to try and mitigate an already toxic situation or protect herself from it, but she could also be doing it to try and "fix" her partner. It's up to her to figure out what her motives are.

8 Sagittarius Man: He Sabotages Relationships Before They Start

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The Sagittarius man is an enigma and very complex, which is kind of ironic considering that he goes out of his way to appear shallow at times. He does this because he doesn't really want to deal with the ins and outs of other people's feelings.

He just kind of wants to do what he wants and if that includes indulging the feelings of other people, that's cool too.

That's why the Sagittarius man's toxic behavior is sabotaging relationships before they start. The Sagittarius man is extremely loyal to the people he loves, but he's not the type to admit that he cares easily, so he just decides not to do it.

7 Sagittarius Woman: She Assumes The Worst Of Her Partner And Has One Foot Out Of The Door

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The Sagittarius woman is just as much of a free spirit as her counterpart, but she's way more willing to admit her feelings given the right partner. That's what makes her and all Sagittarians one of the most low-key loyal signs of them all. That being said, the Sagittarius woman often assumes the worst of her partner right off the bat and has one foot out the door before anything even takes off with her partner because she wants to protect herself. This ends up making the relationship unhealthy because she's so afraid of being hurt. If this isn't addressed, the relationship can quickly breed resentment and become toxic on both sides.

6 Capricorn Man: He Sees His Partner As Below Him In Some Way

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The Capricorn man can be a wonderful partner because he's such a practical, down to earth guy. If you have a problem, he will find you a solution, and in a lot of situations, that's the guy you want on your team.

However, this ability can fuel a lot of toxicity under the wrong circumstances.

This is because the Capricorn guy can become so worn down by feeling like he needs to put out all the fires that he ends up resenting his partner and feeling like they'd be totally incapable if he wasn't around. That's definitely not the kind of feeling you need to be having about a potential long-term partner.

5 Capricorn Woman: She Tries To Handle Everything By Herself

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The Capricorn woman can never be accused of being needy in any situation. She is self-sufficient and ambitious and she always knows how to handle herself. She can be the best partner ever for some people because she can love someone, but will never let that love turn into codependency. However, this can be a problem when the Capricorn woman stops opening up to her partner, shutting them out by doing everything by herself. Sometimes her relationships can become toxic because she essentially treats her partner like a task to be done rather than as her equal.

4 Aquarius Man: He's So Afraid Of Losing His Partner He Stops Being Honest

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The Aquarius man might not be everybody's cup of tea, but for some people, he's the genuine article, the person they might be able to call "the one." He's such an independent thinker that a lot of people might not be able to keep up with him, and he brings a fresh perspective to any relationship.

However, sometimes he can introduce toxicity to a relationship because he might feel like he needs to make sure his partner doesn't get scared away by his idiosyncrasies.

This leads him to stop being authentic and honest and ends up kind of being a self-fulfilling prophecy.

3 Aquarius Woman: She Sacrifices Her Individuality Or Values For Them

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Speaking as an Aquarius woman myself, we're pretty cool. We're not afraid to be weird and strange and different, even if it means alienating people because, to be honest, if they don't like you at your weirdest they don't really deserve you. That being said, in a relationship that's all wrong for us, we sometimes put ourselves in boxes to make our partners comfortable, sacrificing all the weirdness that makes us special. Worse, we might end up sacrificing our values, which are even more important to us.

2 Pisces Man: His Partner Becomes His Only Priority

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Pisces men are known for being some of the most romantic men you will ever meet in your life. He's sensitive, kind, and empathetic, and he'll wear his heart on his sleeve when it comes to how he feels about you.

That being said, the Pisces man can sometimes be guilty of falling into the trap where his partner becomes his only priority.

This can end one of two ways. Either his partner chafes under the scrutiny of being put on that kind of pedestal, or his partner is all about that attention and the two of them essentially smother the relationship to death. He needs to remember that his love doesn't make his partner more than human.

1 Pisces Woman: She Becomes Jealous Because The Relationship Has No Trust

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The Pisces woman can be either one of the sweetest people you will ever come across or the scariest woman you will ever come across. This is because she is a study in contradictions: she's very kind and generous with her time and resources, but cross her and you will regret it for a very long time. This is what makes her such a loyal partner when she decides that someone is worth it. If she's in a relationship that's toxic and bad for her, she'll become jealous, something that basically never happens, because she doesn't feel safe or have any trust in the relationship.

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