
10 Dating Habits To Ditch (& 10 Faux-Pas That Are Actually Fine)

When the year comes to a close, people love to reflect on the past twelve months and figure out what they did right or what they wish that they could press rewind on. Did they find the love of their lives? Are they ending 2018 with an engagement ring on their fingers and some wedding plans in the books, or are they still solo and wishing that they had someone to stay home and cuddle with on New Year's Eve?

It's only natural to think about the past year of one's dating life and wonder what they can do differently in the new year. Meeting someone is the dream for many people and so this makes sense.

While there are many things that people might not want to continue doing in 2019, especially if the search for love is still on and they want to kick it into high gear after January 1st, there are some things that they don't need to stop doing. Singletons hear all kinds of dating advice, but there are many things that aren't as bad as people seem to think that they are.

Here are 10 dating habits to ditch in 2019, along with 10 faux-pas that are actually fine.

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20 Ditch This: Ghosting People


Everyone knows what ghosting is by now, and it's safe to say that there was still a lot of this going on in 2018. Yes, you've definitely ghosted. It seems simpler than telling someone that you don't want to date them or that it wasn't a match.

This is a dating habit that you can ditch once the calendar turns to 2019 because although it's easy and convenient, it's just not that decent of a thing to do.

Just tell someone that it was great to meet them but you didn't feel a connection. Sure, it might feel awkward at first, but you'll get used to being honest.

19 It's Fine: Setting Up A Few Dates In A Week


People say that it's a dating faux-pas to set up a few dates in a week. But, honestly, is there anything wrong with this?

This is something that you can definitely keep doing in 2019. It's a good way to make sure that you have first dates to go on that week because you could set up two or three and two of the guys that you're supposed to go out with could cancel. It's also smart since you could go on two bad dates and the third could be the charm. These are simply first dates where you go for a few hours and get to know each other. You're not engaged to five different people, so there's nothing to worry about.

18 Ditch This: Getting Upset About Being Ghosted


Sure, it's okay to get upset about getting ghosted... but doesn't mean that you have to keep getting upset when this happens to you in 2019. Unfortunately, it's one of the dating habits that lots of people seem to be continuing, so if you're still solo in the next twelve months, this could happen again.

It's a bummer to get ghosted and it's not polite of your supposed date, but it does happen.

It's good to just think that the person wasn't meant to be in your life and think about other things. If you need some reinforcement, ask your best friend for advice and they'll totally tell you to move on.

17 It's Fine: Texting Right After The Date To Ask Him Out Again

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If you really felt something on the date and like this guy, why not text him right after the first date and tell him that you want to go out with him again?

It's kind of strange that this is something that is considered to be a dating faux-pax. People are worried about "showing their hand too early" or proving that they have feelings. But of course you have feelings, and if you want to be in a serious relationship, you're going to have to talk about how you feel eventually. Sending a text message is totally great. Go for it.

16 Ditch This: Feeling Like You Can't Text First


When you're dating in 2019, you should ditch the idea that you can't text first. There is no reason to feel that way. It's old-school to always expect guys to make the first move.

When you want to do something, you should do it, and that includes making this first move.

The right guy will love this and think that it's super awesome that you took the risk and he could be sitting at home wishing that he could get up the courage to message you. This could be a really great thing for both of you, so why not give it a shot?

15 It's Fine: Being Honest About What You're Looking For On The First Date


People seem to be pretty concerned about getting too vulnerable or admitting that they like someone when it's only been a few dates. But when you think about it, that's exactly what needs to happen if you're going to end up in a relationship, right?

Although typical dating advice might be to never say what you're looking for on the first date, you should definitely do this. Go ahead and admit that you want a relationship and you want someone special to share your life with. It's good to put yourself out there so you can find someone who wants that, too.

14 Ditch This: Never Asking Anyone Out

Mental Floss

Another habit to ditch in 2019 is never asking anyone out. It's flattering for other people to ask you out and sometimes it feels easier. When you like someone but are nervous about asking them out, it's a good idea to think about what's stopping you.

Sure, it's usually that you're worried about being rejected, but nothing ventured, nothing gained, as they say.

Some people might say no and that's okay. There will be someone who says yes and they could be the person that you have been wanting to meet for so long. It's going to be so amazing when this happens.

13 It's Fine: Getting Serious About Someone Quickly


If you ever ask your best friends for advice, they often tell you not to move too fast with a new guy. It's definitely because they have done that and haven't had the best experience.

Honestly, though, there's nothing wrong with doing this when you feel like it's right and you really like someone. It's kind of silly to slow things down just for the sake of it or because you're dating according to a bunch of rules that you feel that you should be following. Do what feels natural and you'll be much better off, and the relationship will progress the way that it's supposed to progress.

12 Ditch This: Going On A Second Date When You're Unsure


You know that moment at the end of a first date when you're deciding if you want to see this person again? When it's an epic date, you feel the magic and you know pretty much right away that you want to keep seeing this person. When it's not such a great date, you can spend a lot of time wondering what your next step will be.

Ditch the habit of going on second dates when you're not sure about this guy.

It never ends up bringing you love or a good relationship because the second date most likely will just tell you that you're not meant for each other. Save the second dates.

11 It's Fine: Oversharing


Oversharing is often touted as something that should never be done on a date, particularly a first date or early on.

What's really wrong with it, though? Sure, there might be some things that shouldn't be talked about too early on in a relationship (or potential relationship) but for the most part, it's good to speak your mind and let this person see the real you. If you want to share something, go for it. You could really bond with this person and it could set the stage for a healthy and happy relationship. Maybe that would never even have happened if you hadn't decided to get honest and vulnerable and real.

10 Ditch This: Worrying About What People Think Of You


Everyone worries about what others think of them. This is especially common in the dating world since you're meeting new people and trying to make great first impressions all the time. It can be exhausting and make you wonder if it's worth it.

You can probably guess that worrying so much doesn't really get you anywhere, though.

Ditch this habit in 2019 and you'll see a huge change in your dating life. When you can be honest about who you are and who you like, you're being true to yourself, and that's really the best thing that you can do when searching for a partner.

9 It's Fine: Admitting What You Need From A Relationship


When did we start thinking that we can't tell the person that we have started a relationship with that we need certain things from them? If you worry that this guy will say that you're being too clingy or that you're asking to spend too much time together, you're not alone. This is definitely a common worry for many people.

People might consider this to be a dating faux-pas but it's something else that you can continue doing. It's actually a great idea to be honest about what you need, whether that's regular date nights so you know that you're checking in with each other, or you want to talk more about how things are going.

8 Ditch This: Dating More Than One Guy At A Time


This is super relevant if you're online dating. Sure, people will date more than one person at a time (and this is beyond the first date—it could happen for months and months). They say that it's good because you never know who you will connect with it and it could provide you with the security of knowing that things could work out with one guy.

But it's kind of stressful, right? If there is another dating habit to ditch in 2019, it would also be dating more than one person at a time.

There's really no good reason to juggle different people and it's also not fair to them. Give each person their due so you can get to know them.

7 It's Fine: Telling People You're Excited About A New Guy


Another dating faux-pas that is actually fine (and more than fine) is telling people when you're excited about a new guy.

People will advise against this because you could get really happy and excited and then it could go nowhere. They don't want you to get your hopes up and then get super sad about it. But you can't guarantee things and it's kind of a bummer to never allow yourself to feel good about something. Go ahead, get psyched and believe that whatever is meant to happen will. You have feelings and reactions, and it's okay to feel them.

6 Ditch This: Hiding Your Emotions Because You Don't Want To Seem Clingy Or Uncool

TV Insider

Lots of people say that being vulnerable early on in a relationship is a bad idea. They hide their emotions and don't want the new person that they have been seeing to think that they're weak or that they feel too much.

If you have ever hidden your emotions from a new guy because you didn't want to seem clingy or uncool, that's definitely something to stop before going on your next date in 2019.

People want to know you, and that includes your feelings. The person you are meant for would never, ever call you clingy or uncool. It would just never happen.

5 It's Fine: Seeing Each Other Every Day In The Beginning


Have you ever hung out with a new guy a lot and then heard from a friend or family member that you should give each other more space than that?

You probably have because some people believe that you need personal time and can't spend too much time early on with a new person. But it's actually completely fine to hang out a lot in the beginning. In fact, this is better because you really know if you two get along and are meant for each other. It's only a good thing that you two want to be around each other so often.

4 Ditch This: Dating Guys When You Know It Won't Work Out

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Anyone who isn't in a relationship can relate to wanting to date someone even if they are super aware that it's not going to work out. While that might sound crazy to couples, they have found their special someone and can't really relate.

But if there is something else that you can change about the way that you date once it's 2019, you need to stop dating guys when you know that it won't work out.

This doesn't help you at all and might even make you feel worse about not being with the right guy. Allow yourself to be solo so you can meet the right person.

3 It's Fine: Meeting Friends And Family After Only A Brief Time Of Dating


Some people might say that you can't meet your new guy's friends and family after only a short time, say a few weeks of dating. They're concerned that you would be moving too quickly and that it wouldn't be a good thing.

But why can't you do this? Although some people might see this as a dating faux-pas, it's honestly actually fine. When you know that it's right, then it is right, and this is just the natural next step for you and your new guy to take. There's no reason to be worried when things feel so great and you're so comfortable with each other.

2 Ditch This: Always Getting A Friend's Opinion


Who hasn't gone on a date and then texted their friend to get advice? It's part of the whole thing, especially when you're solo for a long time.

It's another dating habit to ditch, though, because you need to trust yourself more in 2019.

If you really don't want to be solo anymore, then knowing that you're just going to feel it when you meet the right person is the key thing here. While you love your friends and they have great opinions and advice, it's not necessary anymore. Trust that you've learned a lot from your dating experience and know what to do now.

1 It's Fine: Getting Really Excited And Hopeful Even After Only One Date


Of all the things that people advise you not to, getting super excited about a new guy after the first date is definitely high on the list.

It's totally fine to do this because you deserve to feel good, optimistic, and hopeful. Dating is tough and it really doesn't need to be all doom and gloom all the time. If you feel that this was an incredible date with a real love match, then why not express yourself? Smile, tell your closest friend that this might be it, and let him know that you want to see him again. Dating magic could happen and 2019 could be your year of finding love.

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